Trusted SEO & Digital Marketing Company in West Bengal , India

Develop a desired social media strategy.

Establish your online presence with our seo services & experience a significant boost in your business revenue.


The Best Website Designing & Software Development Company In West Bengal

M&MP Business Solutions Pvt.Ltd , we take pride in our diverse team of professionals handling every aspect of your business needs. We are the best digital marketing agency for finding a reliable solution to take your company online. We have built a solid edifice borrowing from the most successful digital marketing strategies. You can completely trust us for web design and development, SEO, Content Writing, SMO, and a range of other services.

Designing software applications is no child’s play and requires dedication and hard work. We have curated a team of highly skilled professionals to build software that can be oriented to help you achieve your business goal. We focus on building custom software applications and do not rely on off-the-shelf software at any point.

We understand that popular software like PowerPoint presentation has been generated for mass consumption. They do not focus on satisfying the specific needs of every individual. Hence, we come up with custom software that is designed to keep your demands and mind from the get-go. You get something that has been moulded to fit exactly what you are looking for.


Achieve your business goals with unbelievable conversion rates & SEO ranking by associating with one of the best digital marketing company in West Bengal.

Website Design Services

Our company has the top-notch industry expert website designers in West Bengal, working dedicated to clients’ projects to deliver nothing less than excellence.

Graphic Designing Services

Do you want to make your customers fall in love with your creative designs? Let our graphic designers sprinkle their magic into your social media marketing.

Content Writing Services

Our content writers in Kolkata can help your business to turn more clicks into customers by increasing the user engagement rate for your inbound marketing


Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit volupt.


Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit volupt.



Digital Marketing is the key strategy to make your business come into existence online. To reach out to a larger radius of potential customers, the prime step every entrepreneur is ought to take is to flood the pages of every cyber platform extant with banners dedicated to advertising his brand. Raid their vision until his logo gets imprinted on the subconscious mind of potential customers to the point that they develop a trust factor over him, making his brand a well-known name amidst the public. But of course, the success of a digital marketing campaign is ought to be backed-up by stellar offerings of quality goods and services for favorable results.

Digital marketing undoubtedly holds magnanimous potential. Hence this daunting task needs dedication & consistency. And a start-up needs the assistance of nothing less than an expert in the sphere of Digital Marketing. Who is well-versed with the technicalities, the do’s & the don’ts & takes care of the subtle nuances that can effectively make or break a campaign. MMPBS  Pvt. Ltd. helps place your website on top of the search engines’ list of organic results.


Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization involves everything that it takes to impress Google. So that it places you on top, every time a customer searches for your goods or services. If you want to sell fried chicken, we do everything it takes to make Google display your website on top every time a person types “chicken”. Through correct SEO strategy, your website is ought to surpass even the most popular food joints, taking you ahead. We optimize your website through incorporation of important keywords, best quality content and engaging graphics as per Google’s tough quality requirements to keep you way ahead of the competition.

Social Media Optimization

Social Media Optimization, as the name, entails, impressing Google is just handling one cyber department. Another important platform you need to cover is social media. You need your brand to be well known on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram. These places are where your customers are! We ensure that your brand earns popularity on social media platforms through surefire tactics like dedicated customer engagement to build trust & familiarity, regular post updates to demonstrate your brand’s active status, and tasteful content to impress them all the same.


Content Marketing

We help you connect to your potential customers through the impact of words. And we do this by educating people regarding your products and services and the benefits it brings them if they buy it. We narrate about the quality of your product, elevate the status of your brand through wordplay and strategically persuade them into buying your product. We do this through blog posts, articles, social media posts as well as through the content that fills up your website. Curious people read. And we make the materials worth their while.

Pay Per Click (PPC)

If you advertise your product on Google, Facebook or Twitter, people watch your website flash in front of them. Inquisitive, they decide to enquire further and hit on the click button. They then enter your website. And just like that, your advertising campaign scored you a new visitor. Job done. Every time this happens, Google asks for a small, negligible fee. We create the campaign, monitor the amount of clicks, fulfill the click-target you wish to set, and manage financial accounts with Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms that you choose to advertise on.



We collect marketing ideas and inspiration


We collect marketing ideas and inspiration


ect customers to your website through SEO & SMO


Once they enter, we engage them with great landing pages & quality


We capture their attention on multiple social media platforms too


We then analyze the results and keep introducing improvements